Monday 17 May 2021

Why Are so Many Smart Women Still Single

It is a complicated and harsh world out there, especially for women with opinions. Women who go on multiple dates and several partners are often associated with bad character. However, the second school of thought mentions that smarter women tend to analyze their options carefully and then go for the right one, even if it is the option to stay single.

Many experts are still working on the question “Whyare so many smart women still single” and try to develop a specific theory of their own. After analyzing the mating preferences of more than 5000 men and women through a research survey, a “Clooney Effect” is being observed in the country. Based on Helen Fisher’s statistics, men often look for smart and intelligent women as their partners. However, 87 percent of single women are likely to be brighter than average. They also tend to care less about ‘how to keep husband happy’ or related things.

Our modern dating coach and experts also suggest that ambitious and high-achieving women may sometimes struggle to have good romantic lives. They believe that this is major because they are used to approaching their dates with more masculine energy. This means that they apply what they learned at work is to be more careful in their dating lives. But relationships can’t be achieved this way, as said by majority of our relationship experts.

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Wednesday 5 May 2021

Clear your understanding about why many modern women are still single

The question Why Are so ManySmart Women Still Single is now becoming very common in this modern time and many women and even men are trying their best to get the right answer to this question. Well, actually the answer is not just restricted to one common reason but actually there are so many small and big reasons that forces even many smart and bold women to face difficulty in finding their perfect life partner.  

Fear of fraud, high expectations, and compromise with the job after marriage or kids, and lack of personal time due to a very busy work schedule are some common reasons that make many women in today’s time stay single. It is very much essential to overcome all such fears and confusions to get and keep a good man in life. Modern and working women should understand that personal life is equally important as career and job and they have to spend some quality time on a regular basis with their partner if they want to continue their relationship forever.

Also, they should understand that every relationship has some expectation and there is nothing wrong in it. It would not be wrong to stay that this sweet relationship is just like give and take where you will also get a lot in return. Also if you are wondering How to Find a Good Man Book, then simply explore through our official web portal today. You can easily buy our eBook to get great success in your love life

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